
Opposition to same-sex marriage: When does it become hate?

"Life is what is happening to you , while you are busy making other plans," - John Lennon, the words from a song written to his son Sean, on his birth.

I wake each day with that feeling more so with each passing day as this country debates same-sex marriage. I wonder how many Canadians are being engaged in this debate? And still how many are planning their own marriage, same-sex or straight, making plans.

The people opposed to same-sex marriage are making their voices and words heard. MP's of all stripes are receiving emails, phone calls and letters opposed to same-sex marriage. Are Canadians supportive of same-sex marriage looking ahead while the others are working hard to prevent those future plans?

The marriage debate sees some opposed to equal marriage being given extra latitude in expressing hateful and discriminatory opinions in the media. It has become open season to express in the most vile way, under the guise of Religion, hatred of gays and lesbians.

In some ways the negative reports of the anti equal-marriage crowds messages should expose them to less than favourable reactions from Canadians. The reason I believe this is held in polls, polls that indicate overall, Canadians feel the Charter is our most important national symbol, more than the flag, or hockey or even parliament.

Still in what seems to be so Canadian, we are tolerating for the moment, some very hateful messages coming from those standing under cover of Religion.

I have put the beginning of an excellent article on this issue below. The Upper Canadian asks;

"When does opposition to same-sex marriage descend into hate speech?"

The Language of Love

When does opposition to same sex marriage descend into hate speech? And why do religious organizations get a free pass to spew whatever nonsense they like under the cover of having "deeply-held beliefs"?

I was considering these questions for a new post when Bishop Henry of Calgary issued a
pastoral letter to be read by parish churches during weekly Sunday Mass. In part he said:

Since homosexuality, adultery, prostitution and pornography undermine the foundations of the family, the basis of society, then the State must use its coercive power to proscribe or curtail them in the interests of the common good.

It is sometimes argued that what we do in the privacy of our home is nobody's business. While the privacy of the home is undoubtedly sacred, it is not absolute. Furthermore, an evil act remains an evil act whether it is performed in public or in private.

Click here to finish reading this at The Upper Canadian.

Thank you to the "My Blahg" for including the linked article in its weekly CAVALCADE OF CANUCKS: 7TH EDITION.

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