
Time Out - Time to elect a government

There is an election on in BC and I am hard at it. If you want to know what has me so hard at it go to Politics in BC, a blog I call "From the Heartlands" commonly known by the people that live there as the "The Hurtlands".

The Campbell Liberals have run amuck in Government. They have set the barn on fire and four years latter have thrown a little water on the burnt out foundation that remains in hopes we see them as trying to put the fire out. Apparently it was the medicine BC needed according to the Liberals.

For my American readers wondering why I might be opposed to a Liberal, the BC Liberals are liberal in name only. They would fit nicely with the George Bush crowd.


HDcanuck said...

Ouch! That's just a little strong dontcha think rick? I mean, jeez louise, as bad as the Bush camp? The Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld-ites are the leaders of a fundamentalist christian political revolution in Washington that drives their politcy; this is hardly true of the BC Liberals. However, don't both George and Gordo have drunken driving records in common?

Re-awakened Shaman said...

the fundamentalist Christian political revolution is a front for neo-conservative fiscal and social policy and in this way, Gordon Campbell and George W. Bush are the same!

Keep up the good work Rick!

ricky said...

Check out the technorati search box in the side bar on Mary Polak and ask yourself how Lorne Mayencourt could be in bed with this homophobe

ricky said...

Re-awakened Shaman

Thanks for to encouragement!

HDcanuck said...

Rick... I agree in part with Shaman - Keep up the good work! I enjoy your postings, even if I don't always agree with them. Incidentally, I watched the debate last night ... James did fairly well I thought, Gordo blew it, and I thought Carr put in the best performance. Gordo cannot escape his record and James wasn't able to distance herself from the last NDP government. She also fumbled the "special interest" queries of Carr. James gets full marks though for (a) not letting gordo off the hook and (b) her Bill Clinton-esque style of drawing on personal examples. Cheers!

HDcanuck said...

I'm curious what people's thoughts are on STV... seems like a good idea to me. I'm planning to vote YES to STV but i don't think it will pass.

ricky said...

I will support it

HDcanuck said...

HEY PATRICK... yes, i know it's as bad as it sounds. i've heard from many concerned americans... the radical christian fringe has seized power in america in an alarmingly unopposed coup, with the born-again Bush at the helm. It is sad indeed to watch the line between church and state blur ever more south of the border, and contemplate how fragile our liberties are. As Gore Vidal, one of America's great literary sons, said, "a purge is never NOT a possibility"...