

Today I just wanted to say Fuck You to someone.  Its a bit selfish perhaps or letting my feelings get the best of me.  Bullying has long been a problem in our society.  Even more so for the LGBT folks.  That said bullying is problem for many straight folks as well and if you are the one being bullied, being gay or straight doesn't matter at the time.  Bullying in all its forms is devastating.

Its too big a job for me to take on the whole puzzle, so I primarily focus on LGBT aspects of bullying.  A new group, a few months old now called FCKH8 has started and according to their website, they have contributed $200,000 to fight homophobia and hate in our society.  You can go there and buy a t-shirt with all profits going to fight H8.  Check them out here.

And here is their latest video...  Its called FCK Bullies...

Proceeds will go to The Trevor Project to combat gay youth suicide and more charities doing similar work will soon be added.

FCK BULLIES by FCKH8.com: DON'T B H8N ON THE HOMOS! from FCKH8.com on Vimeo.

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